The Loyalty Landscape

Loyalty landscape report

Download the Loyalty Landscape report


We’ve partnered with Shopify to analyze 60 prominent loyalty programs in the UK, US, and Australia, bringing you a comprehensive view of today’s loyalty landscape. This report unpacks the strategies and practices driving customer engagement and retention, revealing insights that can help you build stronger, longer-lasting customer relationships.


Loyalty landscape download



The Loyalty Landscape report explores how brands and retailers are leveraging loyalty programs to drive customer retention and growth. Analyzing 60 prominent loyalty initiatives, the report reveals key trends, such as the role of tiered programs, the frequency of exclusive experiences and services, and how programs can integrate into a broader loyalty ecosystem with partners.

It provides actionable insights into what makes loyalty programs successful in today’s competitive marketplace.

Some key statistics

    • 90% of loyalty programs analyzed are free to join
    • 32% offer exclusive experiences
    • Tiered loyalty programs are most prevalent in the US (80%), compared to 50% in Australia and 20% in the UK
    • 82% of loyalty programs are integrated into mobile apps
    • 13% of programs enable charitable donations

These insights can help brands understand the evolving loyalty landscape and the strategies that can not only help you meet expectations but stand out.


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