Preparing for peak 2024

Preparing for peak 2024

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Preparing for peak 2024 - download

It’s the most important playbook of the retail calendar year: the peak season strategy.

The barometer of a brand’s yearly success heavily depends on fourth quarter performance. With experience in helping our global clients prepare for peak season, we’re sharing our expert insights and methodologies in this peak season guide.

We outline the key considerations for brands and retailers and the challenges to be overcome when laying the groundwork for a successful, all-important fourth quarter.

This peak season guide will help you secure a competitive edge. It includes: 

  • When to start planning  
  • How to prepare 
  • How to address vulnerable areas 
  • How to optimize the customer experience 
  • Where to drive CRO 
  • Search and merch 
  • Sorting out delivery and logistics 

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